In 2 Kings 5, we encounter the captivating story of Naaman, a commander in the Syrian army who is afflicted with leprosy. Naaman's wife's servant, a young Israelite girl, informs her mistress that there is a prophet in Samaria who could cure Naaman's leprosy. Upon hearing this, Naaman travels to Israel and seeks the help of the prophet Elisha.
When Naaman arrives at Elisha's house, Elisha does not personally meet him but sends a messenger with instructions for Naaman to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman becomes infuriated by this seemingly simple solution and initially refuses to comply, expecting a grander and more ceremonious healing. However, his servants convince him to obey Elisha's instructions, and as he follows them, his leprosy is miraculously cured, and his skin becomes clean and healthy.
Satan was an angel created by God who turned against God’s authority (Isaiah 14:13) and became the head of a kingdom of evil spirits...
What are some verses in the Book of Colossians on which we ought to meditate? Scriptures referenced include 2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans 12:2; Ephesians...
Many Christians talk about the importance of loving God and loving others, and rightly so. Jesus declared these to be the greatest commandments (Mark...