Episode 827: I Will Speak the Word

Episode 827 January 30, 2024 00:10:00
Episode 827: I Will Speak the Word
1010 Thrive
Episode 827: I Will Speak the Word

Jan 30 2024 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

In exile, Ezekiel faced isolation, demotion, and restrictions while delivering God's word of impending judgment against Judah. Verse 25 emphasizes God's absolute authority ("For I am the Lord"), the certainty of His pronouncements ("I will speak...and it will be performed"), and the urgency of repentance for both Judah and Babylon. Despite warnings, hope shines through, echoing themes later echoed by Jesus: God's faithfulness, restoration for the repentant, and the ultimate fulfillment of His word.


Today’s Top Ten List focuses on ten ways Ezekiel’s role as a prophet in the Hebrew Bible parallels or foreshadows aspects of Jesus' ministry in the New Testament. Parallels include the motif of the “suffering servant,” teaching through parables and symbols, and messages of judgment and hope.

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