Episode 684: Chariot of Fire

Episode 682 July 06, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 684: Chariot of Fire
1010 Thrive
Episode 684: Chariot of Fire

Jul 06 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

2 Kings 2 depicts the dramatic moment of Elijah's departure and the passing of the prophetic mantle to Elisha. The chapter showcases the faithfulness and power of Elijah, the dedication of Elisha, and the recognition of Elisha as the new prophet of Israel. This is the final installment of our mini-series on “The Tishbite,” part of our larger series, “Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.”


Besides discussing Elijah’s final day on earth and his dramatic ascension into heaven, we explore the experience of Enoch, the only other man to be translated without experiencing physical death.

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