Today we broadcast the full musical, “Highly Favored” – the Christmas story through the eyes of the one who said yes to the impossible. It is a production of 10:10 Thrive Ministries. Featuring dozens of original songs and a full ensemble cast, this is a special broadcast for the entire family.
The musical begins by grounding the audience in the historical and prophetic context of Jesus’ birth. Drawing from Isaiah’s prophecy of a virgin conceiving and bearing a child named "Immanuel," the story reflects on the messianic hope that sustained the Jewish people through centuries of oppression and longing. Against the backdrop of Roman rule and Herod the Great's tyrannical reign, the music and dialogue capture the desperation and faith of a people yearning for deliverance.
The narrative transitions to the small Galilean village of Nazareth, where we meet Joachim and Anne, a humble and devout couple longing for a child. Despite years of disappointment and societal judgment, their faith in God remains unshaken, as they fervently pray for His blessing.
Angels reassure the couple that her prayers have been heard and that Anne will bear a child who will bring light and grace to the world. This child is Mary, the future mother of Jesus.
Herod the Great, haunted by whispers of a prophecy about a child who will challenge his throne, vows to extinguish any potential threat to his rule. His paranoia and ruthless ambition cast a foreboding shadow over Judea, where political unrest and fear dominate.
Joachim and Anne embark on a journey to the hill country with their young daughter, Mary, for the wedding of their cousin Elizabeth and the priest Zechariah. The trip, marked by joyful anticipation and the harsh realities of Herod’s oppressive reign, underscores the tension between personal celebration and national despair. Along the road, Anne shares her hope for the Messiah with Mary, but Joachim, ever cautious, warns of Herod’s spies, including a shadowy traveler whose presence raises unease. The journey weaves hope and danger as the family reflects on God's promises while navigating the challenges of a troubled land.
As she grows up, Mary spends more time in prayer and studying in the synagogue than she indulges in play with her friends. She grows as a student and in her commitment to the Lord. When she is old enough to marry, at the recommendation of local rabbis, she becomes betrothed to Joseph, a local carpenter.
In a moment of solitude, Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel, whose divine presence fills her with awe and reverence. Gabriel proclaims that she has been chosen by God to conceive and bear the Son of the Most High, whose kingdom will never end. Though overwhelmed by the magnitude of the message, Mary demonstrates extraordinary humility and faith, asking only how this will happen since she is a virgin. Gabriel explains that the Holy Spirit will overshadow her, and the child she bears will be holy, the Son of God. Mary accepts the divine calling with grace, declaring herself the servant of the Lord, even as she marvels at the angel’s revelation.
Joseph wrestles with Mary’s unexpected and shocking revelation. When he falls asleep, an angel appears to him in a vision. The angel, identified as Gabriel, assures Joseph of Mary’s purity and the truth of her words. He explains that the child she carries is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and will save His people from their sins. Gabriel instructs Joseph to take Mary as his wife and name the child Jesus. Waking from the dream, Joseph feels his fear dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of awe and purpose. He resolves to protect and stand by Mary, trusting in God’s plan and embracing his role in this extraordinary story.
Thereafter, Mary embarks on a journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth in the hill country of Judea, seeking solace and confirmation of the divine message she received. Elizabeth, who was once barren, has a miraculous pregnancy of her own. After Mary visits with Elizabeth, her cousin gives birth to John, who will become the one who prepares the way for Jesus.
In obedience to Caesar Augustus's decree for a census, Mary and Joseph journey to Bethlehem. Despite the hardships of traveling such a long distance, especially with Mary nearing the end of her pregnancy, they resolve to trust in God's plan. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph encounter a city overwhelmed with travelers, leaving no available rooms at the inns. After a desperate search, they find shelter in a humble stable, a stark yet peaceful contrast to the tension surrounding their journey.
Mary gives birth to Jesus. Meanwhile, shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem experience a heavenly revelation as an angel announces the Savior’s birth. The dark sky is illuminated by the glory of a multitude of angels, singing praises and declaring peace to all people on earth. Overwhelmed but inspired, the shepherds rush to find the child, following the star that guides them to the stable. There, they bow in reverence before Jesus, offering humble gifts and sharing the story of the angelic proclamation.
The story crescendos with the fulfillment of divine promises and reflections on Mary’s role in God’s plan.
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