Episode 383: Forty Days

Episode 383 April 27, 2022 00:09:59
Episode 383: Forty Days
1010 Thrive
Episode 383: Forty Days

Apr 27 2022 | 00:09:59


Show Notes

One of the most significant periods of the church calendar, and least celebrated or noted, is the 40 days after Jesus rose from the dead. He walked and talked in places where His ministry had been; He was seen in His restored body by thousands; He healed many; He continued to preach, He continued to love. And then He ascended to Heaven, taken up in the sky, which also was witnessed by others.


What is the significance of the 40 day period between the Resurrection and the Ascension? What is the significance of the Ascension?


Scriptures referenced include John 21:25; Luke 24:13-35; John 21:12-13; Luke 24:39; John 20:27; Matthew 17:1-9; Ephesians 1:20-23; Philippians 2:9; John 14:1-6; Hebrews 4:14-16; Hebrews 9:15; Acts 1:6-11; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:30; and Revelation 1:7.

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