For the past three and a half weeks, we have brought you the story of Mary, the young virgin from Nazareth who said "yes" to the impossible. For the next two days, we share some of the songs and scenes that didn't make it into the final production. We hope that you are blessed.
Today's episode features three original songs:
"Love Divine"
"The Gift that Keeps on Giving"
"The Day After Christmas"
Today’s episode is a special first-person monologue delivered by Simon Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples. He has just witnessed the ascension of his...
What happens the day after Christmas? Literally, the day after Christmas is itself a holiday, known as Boxing Day. As a public holiday, it...
Two important letters written by the apostle Paul to the fledging Christian church in Corinth are included in the New Testament. Where was Corinth?...