For the past three and a half weeks, we have brought you the story of Mary, the young virgin from Nazareth who said "yes" to the impossible. For the next two days, we share some of the songs and scenes that didn't make it into the final production. We hope that you are blessed.
Today's episode features three original songs:
"Love Divine"
"The Gift that Keeps on Giving"
"The Day After Christmas"
Proverbs 31:10-31 speaks of the worth of a good wife to her husband, the manual labor that she does, her fulfillment of responsibilities to...
In 2 Kings 5, we encounter the captivating story of Naaman, a commander in the Syrian army who is afflicted with leprosy. Naaman's wife's...
Today’s episode delves into the genuine essence of love, contrasting the profound, biblical understanding with the superficial and often misleading portrayals common in modern...