Episode 695: Rediscovering the Book of the Law

Episode 695 July 21, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 695: Rediscovering the Book of the Law
1010 Thrive
Episode 695: Rediscovering the Book of the Law

Jul 21 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Josiah was the son of King Amon and the grandson of King Manasseh—both of them wicked kings of Judah. Yet Josiah was a godly king and known as one of the world’s youngest kings; he began his reign at age 8 after his father was assassinated. 


In the eighteenth year of his reign, he raised money to repair the temple, and during the repairs the high priest Hilkiah found the Book of the Law. When Shapan the secretary read it to Josiah, the king tore his clothes, a sign of mourning and repentance.


King Josiah called for a time of national repentance. Many reforms followed. 


Besides discussing this story, we explore ways in which Josiah was a type of Christ.

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