Episode 253: Peace that Passes Understanding

Episode 203 October 20, 2021 00:10:23
Episode 253: Peace that Passes Understanding
1010 Thrive
Episode 253: Peace that Passes Understanding

Oct 20 2021 | 00:10:23


Show Notes

The believer who places his or her full confidence in a loving God and is thankful in every circumstance will possess a supernatural peace. An inner calm will dominate the heart. The faithful believer will know peace—his heart and mind are “guarded” by it—despite the tempest raging without. No one, especially those outside of Christ, will be able to fathom that peace. To most, it will remain a mystery how someone can be so serene in the midst of turmoil. This is a peace that surpasses understanding.


Scriptures referenced include Philippians 4:6-7; 2 Corinthians 9:15; Isaiah 55:8-9; Ephesians 3:19; John 14:27; Romans 8:28; and Isaiah 26:3.

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