Episode 694: The One True God

Episode 694 July 20, 2023 00:10:27
Episode 694: The One True God
1010 Thrive
Episode 694: The One True God

Jul 20 2023 | 00:10:27


Show Notes

Hezekiah was one of the few kings of Judah who was constantly aware of God’s acts in the past and His involvement in the events of every day. The Bible describes Hezekiah as a king who had a close relationship with God, one who did “what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God.” 


The son of the wicked King Ahaz, Hezekiah began his reign at age 25. And, as a man who wanted to serve God, there was much work to do. He boldly cleaned house. Pagan altars, idols, and temples were destroyed. And he instituted other reforms that brought a religious revival to Judah.


In 701 BC, Hezekiah and all of Judah faced a crisis. The Assyrians, the dominant world power at the time, invaded Judah and marched against Jerusalem. When confronted with this seemingly insurmountable threat, Hezekiah responded in the right manner. He turned to prayer. And God, in His faithfulness, answered his plea.


When Hezekiah became sick sometime later, he prayed to God, and was life was miraculously spared. A mistake he made after this healing would prove regrettable.


We discuss the life of Hezekiah and identify how Jesus is foreshadowed in his story.

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