Episode 687: From Farmer to Faithful Prophet

Episode 687 July 11, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 687: From Farmer to Faithful Prophet
1010 Thrive
Episode 687: From Farmer to Faithful Prophet

Jul 11 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Elisha’s background as a farmer likely played a significant role in shaping his work as a prophet. Coming from an agricultural background would have given him a deep understanding of the land, seasons, and the importance of labor and patience. This experience may have cultivated in him a strong work ethic, humility, and an appreciation for the provision of God. He underwent a profound transition, from farmer to faithful prophet. And this foreshadows another important transition, that from carpenter to Christ.


The fact that Jesus was identified as a carpenter holds significance in understanding his earthly life and ministry. It speaks to his humble origins and the common, working-class background from which he came. It also demonstrates that Jesus could relate to people from various walks of life and engage in the practical realities of daily labor.


In today’s episode, we examine ten ways that Elisha’s ministry foreshadowed that of Jesus.

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