Episode 307: Fortune Favors the Bold

Episode 307 January 11, 2022 00:10:20
Episode 307: Fortune Favors the Bold
1010 Thrive
Episode 307: Fortune Favors the Bold

Jan 11 2022 | 00:10:20


Show Notes

As you think about your purpose in 2022, rather than focus on how you can build your own kingdom, think about how you can build God’s kingdom.


How can you bring to fruition that ministry idea that you have been considering for years?


How can you use that gift that you have been given to honor the Lord?


Do you feel that God is calling you to do something? What is standing in your way?


In today’s top ten list, we identify ten Bible characters who exemplify boldness: Noah, Abraham, Ehud, David, Josiah, Daniel. Esther, Nehemiah, Mary, and Paul. Scriptures referenced include Joshua 1:7-8; 1 Samuel 17; 2 Kings 22; Daniel 6; Esther 5, 7-9; and Acts 9.

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