In late winter, many Christian denominations observe a period of fasting and prayer called Lent. We talk about the 40 Days of the Great Fast of Lent, but from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, there are actually 46 Days. How did Lent originate? And what are some things we ought to know about this tradition?
Today, we take a break from our Easter monologues to explore Lent. Our top ten list focuses on ten notes related to Lent. We then have a bonus top ten that lists examples of Biblical characters who fasted.
Scriptures referenced include Deuteronomy 9:9-18; 2 Samuel 12:1-23; 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ezra 10:6-17; Esther 4:1-17; Daniel 6:18; Daniel 10:1-3; Matthew 4:1-2; Acts 9:9; Acts 13:1-3; Mark 2:18-20; Romans 5:17; and Matthew 6:16-18.
Solomon builds a temple to honor the Lord. In the prayer of dedication, he anticipates a time when foreign peoples will journey to the...
We continue our reflection on the importance of letting go as we move into a new year. God promises, through the prophet Isaiah, that...
The fall of Jericho in the book of Joshua serves as a powerful example of God's supernatural intervention and deliverance. The impenetrable walls crumble...