Episode 668: The Lord's Anointed

Episode 668 June 14, 2023 00:10:03
Episode 668: The Lord's Anointed
1010 Thrive
Episode 668: The Lord's Anointed

Jun 14 2023 | 00:10:03


Show Notes

Today’s episode highlights three stories from the book of 1 Samuel that foreshadow Jesus. It begins with the restlessness among the Israelites, who desire an earthly king like neighboring kingdoms. Samuel, the prophet, priest and judge, seeks divine guidance and, after the people persistently cry for a king, God directs him to comply. 

When the first king of Israel falls out of favor with God, Samuel is instructed to anoint one of Jesse's sons. Samuel mistakenly judges based on appearance, but God reveals that He looks at the heart, and David, the youngest and a shepherd, is chosen as the future king. 

Even though David knows his destiny, he respects Saul as king as one set up by God to rule. The younger man’s respect for Saul, as God's anointed, is seen when he spares the king’s life in the cave of Engedi..

The overarching theme of the episode is the recognition of God's divine plan and the importance of humility, obedience, and reverence for God's anointed ones. Both David and Jesus exemplify these qualities, showing the listeners the significance of following God's will and trusting His wisdom in all circumstances.

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