The gifts given at Christmas are symbolic of the tributes made to the baby Jesus by the Wise Men after his birth. The Bible describes the Magi journeying to the location of Jesus’ birth by following a star, and upon their arrival, presenting him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Those gifts given 2000 years ago are long gone. But, that should not be surprising: they were material gifts, fashioned by human hands. That which is of human origin will pass away. But, according to Romans 11:29, God’s gifts are irrevocable. Far greater than gifts given to Jesus, either back then in Bethlehem, or today, are the gifts given by Jesus to us. These are the good and perfect gifts (spoken of in James 1:17) that we should pursue. In today’s top ten list, we discuss 10 gifts from Jesus for us to unwrap all year.
God always has a remnant that continues to serve Him even when others have forsaken Him. A remnant returns from Babylon and under Ezra’s...
Mary Magdalene was a woman who is mentioned several times in the New Testament of the Bible. She is believed to have been a...
In Acts 2, Peter preached the first apostolic sermon at Pentecost. Full of the Holy Spirit, he asserted three times the happiness of the...