The “Golden Rule” is the name given to a principle Jesus taught and which can be found both in His Sermon on the Mount and in the Sermon on the Plain. What we call the Golden Rule can perhaps be best captured by Matthew 7:12. We explore why this is such a profound Christian precept. We compare it to similar sayings from additional religious traditions and assert why it is superior. Additional scriptures referenced include Matthew 22:37-39; Matthew 5:43–44; and 1 John 4:20.
Psalm 104 provides an extensive meditation on the various aspects of creation, describing the water, winds, mountains, animals, and plants, showcasing God’s sustaining power...
Fruit is the direct result of whatever controls our hearts. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is in direct contrast with the acts of...
The role of prophets in the Old Testament was not limited to conveying messages about the future but extended to teaching, instructing, and calling...