Jesus delivered sermons as many rabbis did in synagogues and traditional gathering places, expounding on doctrinal truths, telling parables, offering admonition, and engaging his audience in various ways. However, the setting of his preaching and teaching varied from mountaintops to seashores to olive groves to cornfields. Sometimes He preached formally. On other occasions, His sermons were delivered through miracles, informal exchanges, and just in how He conducted Himself.
In today’s Top Ten List, we explore “Ten Settings in which Jesus Preached” from Capernaum to the Sea of Galilee to the Via Dolorosa. Scriptures referenced include John 6:31; Matthew 4:19; John 21:17; Matthew 16:13-18; Luke 19:1-10; John 5:6; and Luke 19:41-44.
Today’s special episode delves into Isaiah's vision of a new heaven and a new earth, a divine revelation of the world's ultimate restoration. Isaiah...
We wrap up the book of Hosea by examining how personal Hosea’s message is for him and for us. We explore how the book...
Today’s episode features two monologues based on characters in the Book of Acts. In Part 1, Gamaliel, a revered teacher of the Law and...