Today we continue our series: “Ten Lessons for Today from the Christmas Story” with Episode 5. The first Christmas wasn’t as tidy (or as sanitized) as it is often portrayed in nativity scenes. In many ways, it was a mess. However, there was a message in spite of the messiness. And two thousand years later God can still help us to find messages in our messes. Scriptures referenced in this episode include Luke 2:12; Isaiah 53:3, 5; Luke 1:46-48; and Matthew 2:12.
As you think about your purpose in 2022, rather than focus on how you can build your own kingdom, think about how you can...
In part 2 of this special two-part episode, King Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, Belshazzar, disregards past humblings under God’s hand, hosting a blasphemous feast using sacred...
The prophetic writings of Isaiah stand as a masterpiece of both theological and literary significance. Renowned for its vivid imagery and profound metaphors, Isaiah’s...