Today we continue our series: “Ten Lessons for Today from the Christmas Story” with Episode 5. The first Christmas wasn’t as tidy (or as sanitized) as it is often portrayed in nativity scenes. In many ways, it was a mess. However, there was a message in spite of the messiness. And two thousand years later God can still help us to find messages in our messes. Scriptures referenced in this episode include Luke 2:12; Isaiah 53:3, 5; Luke 1:46-48; and Matthew 2:12.
Ecclesiastes is a book of perspective. It shows us a man who lives through the process of searching for meaning and comes out on...
The Apostle Paul, writing from his imprisonment in Rome around AD 60-62, addressed the believers in Ephesus with a letter that offers timeless theological...
What are some verses in Esther on which we ought to meditate? Scriptures referenced include 1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 Samuel 2:8; Matthew 6:16-18; Philippians...