In 2 Peter 2:11, the writer describes Christians as “sojourners,” “pilgrims,” “aliens,” “exiles,” “strangers.” We are citizens of heaven. We must realize that we are just passing through the earth on a journey towards our permanent home. Therefore we should not get attached to this world. We should not love it. We should be in the world, but not of the world. In today’s top ten list, explore ten ways to live as exiles. This includes directives to abstain from sinful desires, to live in ways that honor God, to treat everyone with high regard, and to follow the example of Christ. Additional scriptures referenced include 2 Peter 2:12-25; Romans 13:1-10; and John 13:35.
Today is Day 100 of our series 100 Days in the New Testament. And we end our series in Book 66 of God’s Word,...
What are some verses in 2 Samuel on which we ought to meditate? Scriptures referenced include 16 different passages in 2 Samuel. Check out...
Matthew tells us that right before His ascension, right before He issued the Great Commission, Jesus gathered with his disciples on a high mountain...