Today we end our series: 30 Days to a Happy New You. And we wrap up with ten takeaways from our understanding of what it means to be a Happy New You. In Psalm 144:10 we read, “Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” Everything else flows from this: a new heart, a new mind, a new name, a new walk, a new direction, a new song, clean hands, revitalized friendships, renewed spiritual disciplines, etc.
Additional scriptures referenced include 1 Timothy 6:6-7; 2 Corinthians 10:12; Acts 20:35; Ephesians 6:1-3; 1 John 5:3; Haggai 1:7-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; and Proverbs 13:12.
In 2 Peter 2:11, the writer describes Christians as “sojourners,” “pilgrims,” “aliens,” “exiles,” “strangers.” We are citizens of heaven. We must realize that we...
Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica was marked by both fervent evangelism and intense opposition. Despite the challenges, Paul’s message of Jesus as the Messiah resonated...
Today’s episode presents three stories from the book of Acts. In the first, Cornelius, a devout Roman centurion stationed in Caesarea, receives a vision...