The Northern Kingdom of Israel, under the rule of Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri, was marked by idolatry, wickedness, and political instability. These kings perpetuated the sinful practices initiated by Jeroboam I, and their reigns were characterized by disobedience to God's commands. In the Southern Kingdom of Judah, Abijah and Asa ruled after Rehoboam. Both kings made efforts to be faithful to the God of David.
Within these accounts, we see foreshadowing of Jesus.The reigns of the Northern kings serve as reminders of the consequences of disobedience and unfaithfulness to God's covenant. Jesus, as the perfect and sinless Son of God, fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law and offered salvation to all who believe in Him.
There are two New Testament books, both letters from the apostle Paul, written to Timothy, a man who is the son of a Greek...
The Book of Job is a profound exploration of the question: Why do bad things happen to good people? In this narrative, Job, a...
We have come to the end of our mini series within our series: “Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.” We have lingered in...