Episode 680: The Tishbite, Part 4

Episode 680 June 30, 2023 00:10:01
Episode 680: The Tishbite, Part 4
1010 Thrive
Episode 680: The Tishbite, Part 4

Jun 30 2023 | 00:10:01


Show Notes

In 1 Kings 18, we witness Elijah's victory on Mount Carmel, where he demonstrates God's power over Baal's prophets. Thereafter, Elijah prays for rain, and a small cloud appears, signaling the end of the drought. However, Queen Jezebel threatens Elijah's life, and he flees to the wilderness, feeling alone and weary. God provides him with food and water, and Elijah travels to Mount Horeb. There, God speaks to him in a gentle whisper, reassuring him and commissioning him to anoint kings and his prophetic successor. 


Through this narrative, we see the complexities of the prophet's journey, the need for spiritual renewal and rest, and the importance of God's ongoing guidance and encouragement. It also foreshadows the ministry of Jesus, who likewise experienced weariness, faced opposition, sought solitude, and ultimately relied on the Father's strength and provision.

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