It took us a year to wrap up the Old Testament portion of our series, “Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.” We explore how each of the 39 books anticipates Jesus through prophecies, types, theophanies, and more. From Genesis to Malachi, we uncovered the foreshadowing of His birth, ministry, death, and reign, demonstrating the continuity between the Old and New Testaments. Our journey highlighted the ways the Old Testament sets the stage for the New Testament, enriching our understanding of God’s overarching plan of redemption through Christ. As we transition to exploring Jesus in the New Testament, we carry forward these profound connections, deepening our appreciation for how the whole Bible reveals Jesus Christ.
The book of Revelation is filled with vivid images that offer hope and comfort to believers. From the New Jerusalem and the River of...
The Book of Job is a profound narrative exploring human suffering, faith, and the mysteries of divine providence. Job, a prosperous and righteous man,...
James tells us to count it all joy when we experience suffering and affliction. This is not the typically human response to trials. But...