Latest Episodes

Episode 307: Fortune Favors the Bold
As you think about your purpose in 2022, rather than focus on how you can build your own kingdom, think about how you can...

Episode 306: To Boldly Go
How bold are you? As you move forward in this new year, how big are your dreams? How steady is your step? How willing...

Episode 305: Sound the Trumpet
Trumpets were central to the celebration of Israel’s feasts, particularly the Feast of Trumpets (or Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year). When the trumpet...

Episode 304: Hope in the Lord
The transition from December 31st to January 1st is marked by lots of long standing traditions. New Year's superstition and folklore come from around...

Episode 303: Doing a New Thing
We continue our reflection on the importance of letting go as we move into a new year. God promises, through the prophet Isaiah, that...

Episode 302: Letting Go for the New Year
We continue our reflection on the importance of letting go as we move into a new year. We explore ten things that we ought...