Second Samuel is the second half of a single book that was divided into two parts because together they were too long to fit on one scroll. Most of 2 Samuel is a history of the reign of King David. Despite a life filled with destruction, chaos, tragedy and a personal struggle with sin, this shepherd boy who became king sought to live actively in obedience to God. In Part 1 of our study of how he could be a man after God’s own heart, we explore his kindness and faithfulness and the grace he shows to his enemies. Scriptures referenced include Ephesians 4:31-32, 5:1-2; Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 18:30; Isaiah 55:8-9; 2 Samuel 9; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22; Luke 6:35; Psalm 145:13; Joshua 21:45; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Samuel 18 and 20; 2 Samuel 9:7, 11.
Michel de Montaigne, the French Renaissance philosopher once opined that “a good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.” This...
The children of Israel had seen God in action. If any people ought to have been faithful, they should have been. However, they just...
Luke 24:27 describes Jesus giving a Bible study to two disciples after his resurrection, showing them how he was the fulfillment of Old Testament...