This episode explores the life of Paul the Apostle, a monumental figure in Christianity known for his dramatic transformation and critical role in spreading the gospel to Gentile communities. Born Saul in Tarsus and initially a fierce persecutor of Christians, his encounter with Christ radically changed his trajectory. Renamed Paul, he dedicated his life to missionary work, leveraging his dual identity as both a Jew and a Roman to bridge cultural divides and foster the early Christian church's growth. His humility is evident in his self-sustenance through tent making and his reflections on his past actions, serving as a powerful example of integrity and redemption. His writings, part of the New Testament, continue to influence Christian theology profoundly. This narrative invites us to reflect on humility, change, and the impact of embracing our diverse gifts in serving a common purpose.
During the 40 days between the Resurrection and his Ascension, the Bible records more than 10 different appearances Jesus made to both individuals and...
Today's Episode is a Replay of Episode 497: "Ten Who Overcame, " which features ten Bible characters who overcame some significant challenges: Joseph, Job,...
The story of Naomi appears in the book of Ruth. Naomi lived during the time of the judges. She was the wife of a...