Daniel 12 portrays a future time of great distress, surpassing any past tribulation. An angelic figure named Michael intervenes, bringing deliverance for God's faithful people. The text mentions a resurrection of the dead, some to everlasting life and others to shame. The wise will shine brightly, while the wicked remain unchanged. The passage offers a glimpse into the future using symbolic language, mentioning a specific time period of 1290 and 1335 days. Daniel is instructed to seal these prophetic words until the end times. The chapter concludes with a message of perseverance, assuring Daniel that he will find rest at his end.
A young boy named Daniel eagerly waited every day for his father’s return from work, listening intently to his stories about the sea and...
Bethlehem was well known as the hometown of David, Israel’s greatest king, yet it was never a great or influential city. It was truly...
During today’s exploration of Paul's letter to Titus, in a Q&A exchange between a pastor and audience members, we answer several questions that help...