Episode 740: David the Psalmist: A Musical Journey, Part 3

Episode 740 September 22, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 740: David the Psalmist: A Musical Journey, Part 3
1010 Thrive
Episode 740: David the Psalmist: A Musical Journey, Part 3

Sep 22 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Today is Part 3 of our 1010 Thrive special – David, the Psalmist: A Musical Journey. It becomes increasingly clear that King Saul, who had once employed David to play soothing music for him, wants the young shepherd boy dead. David flees for his life. He first goes to the prophet Samuel at Ramah, and eventually, he becomes an outlaw, gathering a group of followers, and moving from place to place, to evade capture by Saul's forces. This marks the beginning of a period of exile, and hardship for David, as he is forced to flee from the very kingdom he will one day rule.


After being on the run for some time, David finds sanctuary in the cave of Adullam, where family and various discontented individuals join him, forming a small loyal force. One day Saul happens to wander into that very cave. David has a chance to kill him, but he spares the king’s life.


During his time as a fugitive, David and his men provide unofficial protection to the shepherds of Nabal. When David sends messengers to ask for provisions, appealing to a customary hospitality, Nabal insultingly rebuffs them. David plans to kill the rich man. However, Abigail, Nabal's intelligent, and discerning wife, intervenes, by bringing David the supplies he requested, and pleading for him to reconsider his vengeful plan. 


Songs featured in this episode were based on Psalm 142; Psalm 57; and Psalm 37.

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