Episode 708: Hadassah, Part 3

Episode 708 August 09, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 708: Hadassah, Part 3
1010 Thrive
Episode 708: Hadassah, Part 3

Aug 09 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Despite the risks, Queen Esthers enters the inner court where King Xerxes is seated on his throne. He extends his golden scepter, granting her access. The king asks her desire, and she invites him and Haman to a banquet she has prepared.


At the banquet, the king again inquires about her request. Esther, however, defers her plea and requests the king and Haman to attend another banquet she will host the following day. Haman leaves the first banquet elated, but his mood changes when he sees Mordecai at the palace gate, still refusing to bow to him.


Haman's wife and advisors suggest he build a gallows to hang Mordecai, an idea he eagerly embraces. Meanwhile, King Ahasuerus has trouble sleeping and orders the royal chronicles to be read to him. It is revealed that Mordecai once exposed a plot against the king, and the king realizes that Mordecai was never rewarded for his loyalty.

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