The children of Israel had seen God in action. If any people ought to have been faithful, they should have been. However, they just kept rebelling. Still, in spite of it all, God remained faithful. Scriptures referenced include the following: Hebrews 10:23; Numbers 11:1; Numbers 11:33; Numbers 20:1-13; Genesis 12:2; Exodus 15:26; Leviticus 20:7-8; Numbers 23:8; 2 Timothy 2:13; and Philippians 2:14-15.
Second Kings depicts the downfall of the divided kingdom. Prophets continue to warn the people that the judgment of God is at hand, but...
The writings of the prophet Isaiah are especially significant for the prophecies he makes about the coming Messiah, hundreds of years before Jesus is...
Psalm 23, treasured by so many believers, reveals the deep relationship between Jesus and His followers. Today’s episode unpacks the chapter, emphasizing the following...