The children of Israel had seen God in action. If any people ought to have been faithful, they should have been. However, they just kept rebelling. Still, in spite of it all, God remained faithful. Scriptures referenced include the following: Hebrews 10:23; Numbers 11:1; Numbers 11:33; Numbers 20:1-13; Genesis 12:2; Exodus 15:26; Leviticus 20:7-8; Numbers 23:8; 2 Timothy 2:13; and Philippians 2:14-15.
Today’s episode features two monologues based on characters in the Book of Acts. In Part 1, Gamaliel, a revered teacher of the Law and...
Texts in the Old Testament (most notably in Exodus and Deuteronomy) invite us to look to the past. They exhort us to rest on...
On this day after Easter Monday, we release the third episode in our five part Easter Special. Today’s episode features ten characters who ended...