The book of Numbers is full of exciting stories and colorful characters. We highlight the 10 important moments, from the introduction of the Nazarite vow to the spying of Canaan to the lifting up of a bronze serpent. Scriptures referenced include Numbers 1:1; Numbers 6:1-21; Numbers 11::18-20; Numbers 12; Numbers 13-14; Numbers 16:1-3, 31-35; Numbers 21:1-9; Numbers 21:22-26; Numbers 22-24; and Numbers 27.
During the 40 days between the Resurrection and his Ascension, the Bible records more than 10 different appearances Jesus made to both individuals and...
A major earthquake occurs in Israel towards the end of the rule of King Jeroboam II. Amos begins his ministry “two years before” this...
1 Corinthians offers a profound look into the early Christian life, highlighting both the theological richness and the everyday challenges within the Corinthian church....