Whether you have had numerous victories in life, or very few, the Bible says that if you are in Christ, you are an overcomer! Overcoming in God’s eyes, is not just about achieving goals. It is about keeping your faith in Christ, and persevering through trials. It is about staying true to God, even when that is not easy.
In today’s top ten list, we discuss ten Bible characters who overcame: Joseph, Job, Moses, Gideon, Ruth, David, Elijah, Daniel, Peter, and Paul. Scriptures referenced include Job 1:20-21; Job 42:12; Judges 7:12; Psalm 142:1-2; and 1 Kings 19:2.
Today’s episode features two monologues based on characters in the Book of Acts. In Part 1, Gamaliel, a revered teacher of the Law and...
Why should we trust that the 27 books that have come to constitute the New Testament are the infallible, inspired Word of God? While...
The Gospel of Luke, traditionally attributed to Luke, a physician and companion of the Apostle Paul, offers a unique perspective on Jesus and the...