The prophet, Elijah is a man who experiences God’s provision. He walks in obedience. He expects miracles. He is a prayer warrior. He hates and confronts evil, with courage and conviction. Despite all of this, he runs in fear. He gets discouraged. He becomes self-absorbed and shortsighted. But while he is down for a moment, he gets back up again. Today’s Top Ten List explores 10 notes from his life and ministry. Scriptures referenced include Malachi 4:5; 1 Kings 17:1; 1 Kings 17:6; 1 Kings 17:8-24; 1 Kings 18:19; and James 5:17-18.
In late winter, many Christian denominations observe a period of fasting and prayer called Lent. We talk about the 40 Days of the Great...
Today is Day 100 of our series 100 Days in the New Testament. And we end our series in Book 66 of God’s Word,...
The story of the first family, spanning from Eden to the lineage of Seth, reflects the struggles and dynamics familiar to families today. Adam...