The apostle Peter realized we have all spent enough time living like the world. Now we are called to live like Christians. It is a profound and foolish waste of time for Christians to live like the world, and we must simply stop being double-minded and start living as Christians.
It is sad that there are Christians among us who think that they have not spent enough time enjoying the “pleasures of sin” for a season. They want to experience more of the world before they make a full commitment to godliness. This is a tragic mistake and takes a path that leads away from life to the full. Peter responds to this in 1 Peter 4:7-19.
Today we have a bonus Top 10 List: Peter’s 10 Guidelines for Abundant Living. Additional scriptures referenced include 1 Peter 4:3; Hebrews 13;2; Matthew 25:40; 1 Corinthians 15:10; and Colossians 4:6.
When we believe in Jesus, we receive the greatest gift of all—the salvation of our soul (1 Peter 1:8–9). And this gift is free....
Part Six of "Highly Favored" focuses on the selection of Joseph as a suitable husband for Mary. Rabbis in the synagogue courtyard discuss Mary's...
In Isaiah chapters 60 to 62, the prophet uses evocative imagery of light, glory, and joy to depict a future filled with divine favor...