While Pauline teachings concentrate on our justification with God, James’ teachings concentrate on the works that exemplify that justification. James was writing to Jews to encourage them to continue growing in this new Christian faith. James emphasizes that good actions will naturally flow from those who are filled with the Spirit and questions whether someone may or may not have a saving faith if the fruits of the Spirit cannot be seen.
In Today’s Top Ten List, we explore Ten Guidelines for Getting Close to God. Scriptures referenced include James 4:1-10; Ephesians 6:11; and Psalm 51:1-2.
We have all suffered through storms -- natural disasters, financial calamity, medical crises, relationship challenges. Could God permit us to go through these storms...
Today’s episode delves into the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk, his book, and the ways his prophecies foreshadow Jesus. It begins by outlining the limited...
Today we explore how the second guideline for abundant living is reflected in the gospel of Mark. This guideline is a warning against idolatry....