Christ’s passionate love for the world is evident in His statements from the cross on that Good Friday afternoon almost 2000 years ago. We examine each of them in turn: Luke 23:34; Luke 23:43; John 19:26-27; Matthew 27:46; John 19:28; John 19:30; and Luke 23:46. Additional scriptures referenced include Matthew 5:17; 1 John 3:8; and John 10:17-18.
After the birth of Christ, angels appeared to shepherds tending their flocks, and gave them the good news that the Savior of the world...
Some Bibles, particularly those used by Roman Catholics, include some additional Old Testament books, which are referred to as the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books....
In 2 Chronicles 1, Solomon, the son of David, assumes the throne of Israel after his father's death. As he settles into his role...