Christ’s passionate love for the world is evident in His statements from the cross on that Good Friday afternoon almost 2000 years ago. We examine each of them in turn: Luke 23:34; Luke 23:43; John 19:26-27; Matthew 27:46; John 19:28; John 19:30; and Luke 23:46. Additional scriptures referenced include Matthew 5:17; 1 John 3:8; and John 10:17-18.
The notion that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year is one that is widely embraced. Often when we think of this...
A young boy named Daniel eagerly waited every day for his father’s return from work, listening intently to his stories about the sea and...
In the story of Queen Esther, one of the main characters is the man the Jews called Ahasuerus. To the Greeks, he was known...