To be bold is to be drave, to be daring, to be courageous, to be a risk-taker, to be confident, to be action-oriented.
God is calling us to be bold. If you have the tendency to not take chances in life because you're afraid of making mistakes, God wants you to know He's pleased with you when you try. It doesn't matter if you don't do everything exactly right. What matters is that you step out in faith, believing God will help you!
In today’s episode we explore counsels from the apostle Paul to his protege, Timothy in which the older man encourages the younger to be bold. Scriptures referenced include 1 Timothy 1:6-8; Galatians 2:11-21; and John 13:1-11.
God's love is both intimate and grand, mirroring the passionate and tender love between lovers in the Song of Solomon and in a modern...
In a world where words can often be harsh and divisive, Ephesians 4:29 calls Christians to a higher standard of speech. The Apostle Paul...
In the parched landscape of exile, Ezekiel's prophecies bloom like desert flowers, painted with vibrant imagery of cosmic battles and divine judgment. Centuries later,...