Episode 1018: Don’t Lose Out

Episode 1018 October 30, 2024 00:10:00
Episode 1018: Don’t Lose Out
1010 Thrive
Episode 1018: Don’t Lose Out

Oct 30 2024 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

In 2 John, the apostle John writes with a deep sense of love and concern for the church, urging believers to walk in both truth and love. He reminds them that truth is not merely intellectual knowledge but a way of life that reflects God’s commandments. Likewise, love is not just a feeling but is demonstrated through obedience to God. John stresses that truth and love must always go hand in hand, forming the foundation of Christian life.


John also warns the church about the dangers of deception, particularly from false teachers who deny the truth of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the importance of staying rooted in the teachings of Christ and avoiding those who bring distorted messages. This call for discernment serves as a reminder that believers must guard their faith and not allow false teachings to lead them astray, as the cost of losing the truth is great.


Finally, John encourages believers to stay the course, reminding them not to lose the spiritual progress they’ve made but to persevere in their faith in order to receive their full reward. He compares the Christian life to a race, urging the church to keep their eyes on the finish line and remain focused on the truth. Through personal fellowship, love, and truth, John calls the church to continue their journey of faith, knowing that the ultimate reward comes from faithful endurance in Christ.

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