Latest Episodes

Episode 5:The Pursuit of Happiness
We start with an excerpt from a TED talk given by writer Emily Esfahani Smith that focuses on whether the pursuit of happiness really...

Episode 4: A More Abudant Life
God is a god of abundance. We see evidence of this in how He moved in the lives of people throughout the Bible. And...

Episode 3: The Good Life
Jesus offers His believers "the good life." But what does that mean? And what does peace have to do with it?

Episode 2: I Just Want to Be a Sheep (Part 2)
What does it means to be sheep and what it means to have a good shepherd who knows, cares for, and protects His sheep?...

Episode 1: I Just Want to Be a Sheep (Part 1)
10:10 Thrive kicks off its daily podcasts with this episode based on John 10. The podcasts features Biblical truth (shared daily) designed to help...