Latest Episodes

Episode 157: Truths from the Song of Solomon
The Song of Solomon is a lyric poem written to extol the virtues of love between a husband and his wife. But given how...

Episode 156: Introduction to Song of Solomon
The Song of Solomon is an unusual but beautiful Old Testament book. While, on the surface, it might seem like a steamy romance novel...

Episode 155: The Conclusion of the Matter
Ecclesiastes presents us a naturalistic vision of life—one that sees life through distinctively human eyes—but ultimately recognizes the rule and reign of God in...

Episode 154: The Wisdom of the Preacher
The Hebrew word translated throughout Ecclesiastes as “preacher” comes from a word which also means “collector” or “convener.” Some other Bible versions translate it...

Episode 153: The Meaning of Life
Ecclesiastes begins by declaring that everything is meaningless. Ultimately, the book reveals the true meaning of life. Scriptures referenced include Ecclesiastes 1:1-9; Psalm 139:14;...

Episode 152: Themes from Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes is a book of perspective. It shows us a man who lives through the process of searching for meaning and comes out on...