Episode 894: Haggai Calls on Us to Consider Our Ways

Episode 894 May 09, 2024 00:10:00
Episode 894: Haggai Calls on Us to Consider Our Ways
1010 Thrive
Episode 894: Haggai Calls on Us to Consider Our Ways

May 09 2024 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Haggai, an Old Testament prophet, played a crucial role in motivating the Jewish people to rebuild the Second Temple after their return from Babylonian captivity. His prophecies focus on prioritizing God's house, obedience, courage, and hope for the future. Haggai points to Jesus through several key themes, such as God's presence, authority, provision, and peace.


Jesus' teachings, parables, and interactions consistently call people to consider their ways, re-evaluating their hearts and priorities in light of God's Kingdom. The life and mission of Jesus Christ fulfill the promises and themes highlighted in Haggai, serving as the true Temple, eternal King, and ultimate restorer of God's people. The devotional explores Haggai's ministry, themes, and how they connect to Jesus, encouraging believers to examine their hearts and align their lives with God's purposes.



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