In this special episode, Jeremiah delivers a first-person monologue reflecting on his life and legacy as his own people stone him for his criticism of them.
God had delivered Judah from destruction on countless occasions, but His mercy was at its end. Jeremiah records King Nebuchadnezzar conquering Judah and making it subject to him. After further rebellion, God brought Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian armies back to destroy and desolate Judah and Jerusalem.
Jeremiah had a most difficult message to deliver. The prophet loved Judah, but he loved God much more. As painful as it was for Jeremiah to deliver a consistent message of judgment to his own people, Jeremiah was obedient to what God told him to do and say. Jeremiah hoped and prayed for mercy from God for Judah, but also trusted that God was good, just, and righteous. We too must obey God, even when it is difficult, recognize God’s will as more important than our own desires, and trust that God, in His infinite wisdom and perfect plan, will bring about the best for His children.
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Psalm 7:17, “I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the...
In Revelation 15 and 16, we find a vivid portrayal of God’s final acts of judgment and the ultimate triumph of His faithful followers....