Episode 813: Introduction to Jeremiah

Episode 813 January 10, 2024 00:10:00
Episode 813: Introduction to Jeremiah
1010 Thrive
Episode 813: Introduction to Jeremiah

Jan 10 2024 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Today we resume our study of Jesus in Every Book of Bible, a series which we launched last year. Finding Jesus in each book of the Old Testament involves recognizing types, prophecies, themes, and foreshadowing that point to His life, mission, and person. We provide a summary of what we’ve found so far, from Genesis to Isaiah.


We then provide a high-level overview of the life and ministry of Jeremiah, one of the most prominent prophets of the Hebrew Bible. We journeyed through his tumultuous times, marked by political upheaval, religious reform, and national tragedy. His prophetic voice boldly challenged social injustices, false hope, and demanded genuine repentance. Despite facing personal struggles and persecution, Jeremiah remained a beacon of faith and hope, offering promises of restoration and a new covenant. His story continues to inspire us to stand up for justice, embrace truth, and hold onto faith, even in the midst of darkness.

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