With today’s episode, we take a pause in our months-long series, “Jesus in Every Book of the Bible,” by launching a new mini-series, “Perspectives on Christmas.” The core message of Christmas is encapsulated in John 3:16, highlighting the birth of Jesus as a gift of salvation to humanity.
Our episode explores the significance of Christmas through a conversation between Maisie and her grandfather. Maisie, intrigued by the festivities, learns from her grandfather that Christmas is more than decorations and presents. It is a celebration of Jesus' birth. Grandfather explains the concept of prophets, particularly focusing on Isaiah, who foretold the coming of Jesus, a savior who would rectify humanity's sins. He uses simple metaphors to help Maisie understand complex theological concepts. He also mentions the prophet Micah, who prophesied Jesus' birthplace. Our episode concludes with Maisie understanding the true essence of Christmas, which is to remember and thank God for Jesus' birth.
In Daniel 2, we encounter a profound narrative where King Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dream is interpreted by Daniel, a young Hebrew captive endowed with a...
We begin 2023 with a new series: 30 days to a Happy New You. Thirty calendar days between now and January 31st. A new...
In part 2 of this special two-part episode, King Nebuchadnezzar's grandson, Belshazzar, disregards past humblings under God’s hand, hosting a blasphemous feast using sacred...