Today we begin Part 1 of a 1010 Thrive special – David, the Psalmist: A Musical Journey. This is an exploration into the life of David, the shepherd boy turned king, emphasizing his deep connection with music and poetry. Set against the backdrop of ancient Israel, this musical odyssey commences with David's youthful days, tending his flock, where he first finds solace and expression through his harp and voice. It continues as David is anointed, in secret, by the prophet Samuel and then is commissioned to play music to soothe the troubled soul of Israel’s king, Saul.
Songs featured in this episode are based on Psalm 23; 1 Samuel 16:7; and Psalm 89.
Colossians is written explicitly to defeat a heresy that has arisen in Colossae, which endangers the existence of this church in Asia Minor. While...
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine. The fact that the miracle was performed at a wedding is significant. By His attendance, Jesus...
The book of James emphasizes that true faith is always accompanied by works. In chapter 2, verses 14–17, James argues that faith without works...