Episode 722: Ten Psalmists

Episode 722 August 29, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 722: Ten Psalmists
1010 Thrive
Episode 722: Ten Psalmists

Aug 29 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

King David was not the only person, or even the first person in the Bible, who wrote psalms. And while most of the psalms are found in the Biblical book of that name, several books in the Bible contain songs, hymns, or prayers that resemble the style or content of the psalms. And while most psalms are in the Old Testament, the book of Revelation contains numerous hymns of praise, many of which echo the Psalms or draw upon their themes.


For today’s top ten list, we identify ten different psalmists, from David, to Moses, to Solomon, to more. We list the psalms attributed to most of these authors. And we quote from several of these psalms.

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