Today, we broadcast Part 4 of the story of Hadassah, the young exiled Jewish woman who would grow up to be queen of an empire King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) of Persia hosts an opulent 180-day banquet for his nobles and officials, showcasing his wealth and power. Following this, a seven-day feast is held for all the people in the capital city of Susa. During the festivities, Queen Vashti hosts a separate banquet for women. On the seventh day, King Ahasuerus, in a drunken state, summons Queen Vashti to display her beauty before his guests. Refusing to obey, Vashti is dethroned as queen for her defiance.
The book of 2 Timothy, written by the Apostle Paul during his second and final imprisonment in Rome, captures a profound moment of urgency...
What are some verses in Leviticus that we ought to memorize? Scriptures referenced include Matthew 5:38; Matthew 5:33; 1 Peter 1:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16;...
Through Amos, God condemns the marked oppression, the flagrant injustice, the unwonted luxury and extravagance, the shameless feasting and drunkenness, and the gross immorality...