Episode 698: Praising God for His Faithfulness

Episode 698 July 26, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 698: Praising God for His Faithfulness
1010 Thrive
Episode 698: Praising God for His Faithfulness

Jul 26 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

In Ezra 3:11, we see the Jewish people rejoicing and giving thanks to God as they lay the foundation of the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. This was a significant moment of restoration for the people, who had been in exile for seventy years. The exiles praised God for His goodness and enduring love, and they acknowledged that He had been faithful to them even in their darkest times.


This passage teaches us that we should always be grateful to God for His goodness, even when we are facing challenges. We can also learn from the example of the exiles, who chose to worship God together even though they faced opposition from neighboring peoples. When we come together as a community to worship God, we are strengthened and reminded of His love for us.


Ezra 3:11 is a powerful reminder of God's faithfulness and love. As we meditate on this passage, let us offer our praise and thanksgiving to God, knowing that He is always with us.

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