Episode 671: Our Trusted Prophet

Episode 671 June 19, 2023 00:10:06
Episode 671: Our Trusted Prophet
1010 Thrive
Episode 671: Our Trusted Prophet

Jun 19 2023 | 00:10:06


Show Notes

The role of prophets in the Old Testament was not limited to conveying messages about the future but extended to teaching, instructing, and calling the people back to a right relationship with God. They served as moral and spiritual compasses for the nation of Israel, helping to maintain their covenantal relationship with God and providing hope, correction, and guidance in times of difficulty or apostasy.


There were four prophets named in 1 and 2 Samuel: Samuel, Ahijah, Nathan, and Gad. These four men were trusted prophets because of their divine calling, the accuracy of their prophecies, their impact on national affairs, and their unwavering faithfulness to God's word. Their roles were crucial in guiding and directing the people of Israel according to God's will.


More so than these men, Jesus is our trusted prophet, because He is the ultimate, and perfect revelation of God to humanity.

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