Episode 660: The Sword of Deliverance, Part 2

Episode 660 June 02, 2023 00:10:55
Episode 660: The Sword of Deliverance, Part 2
1010 Thrive
Episode 660: The Sword of Deliverance, Part 2

Jun 02 2023 | 00:10:55


Show Notes

In Part 2 of the story about Ehud, we learn that Ehud made himself a small sword and strapped it to his right thigh under his clothes. Next, he visited the Moabites’ King Eglon, under the pretense of paying a tribute. Everyone left the room except Ehud and King Eglon. Ehud then pulled out his sword and stuck it into the king’s stomach. The king was obese, and the sword disappeared inside his belly. Ehud left the sword and escaped through a porch opening. Ehud then led the people in a successful battle against the Moabites. Once free from Eglon’s rule, the Israelites enjoyed 80 years of peace, the longest peaceful period recorded during the time of the judges (Judges 3:30).


We also discuss ways in which Ehud is a type of Christ, from his appointment by God to his willingness to sacrifice himself to the shedding of blood. Just as Ehud delivered Israel from their oppressors, Jesus delivers us from the power of sin and offers us eternal life.

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