Episode 648: The Twelve Spies in Numbers

Episode 645 May 17, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 648: The Twelve Spies in Numbers
1010 Thrive
Episode 648: The Twelve Spies in Numbers

May 17 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

Moses sent 12 spies into the land of Canaan. God commanded this to happen so that the Israelites could know about the land and the inhabitants they would have to face. These 12 spies spent 40 days traveling undetected through unknown territory. Afterward they came back and reported all that they had witnessed. In this story, found in Numbers 13-14, we see a faithful few contending against people of no faith. The majority of the spies brought back a negative report filled with fear and discouragement, focusing on the challenges and obstacles they had witnessed, such as the fortified cities and the presence of giants. However, Joshua and Caleb offered a different perspective, emphasizing that with God's help, the Israelites could conquer the land. This episode draws parallels between the faith of Joshua and Caleb and the faith of Jesus. It also examines the symbolism of the number 40 in the Bible.


Additional scriptures referenced include Exodus 24:18; 1 Kings 19:8; Matthew 4:2; John 8:28; Mark 11:22-23; Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; and Matthew 26:27-29.

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